Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Hold the Phone....Stop the Presses...

...Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in a good mood. And I thought I should let you know because it's a good thing to share the happy moments as well as the grumpy ones. I think too often I give inordinate time and attention to the grumpy moments. So, here's the balance.

Today, Brad had half a day and when he got home, we went outside and did some yardwork, so now the place looks pretty spiffy. Perhaps it was the endorphins from the extra exercise that contributed to my good mood.

We went off to Sam's Club to pick up a few items and renew our membership and decided to have a little supper while we were there. ( No - it did not consist entirely of eating samples.) If you are ever in a Sam's Club, you MUST go to the little snack-bar place in the front and get a premium ice-cream bar. Even if you don't want one. You have to get it anyway. You'll be glad you did. It's worth all 200 something calories. Skip the one with milk chocolate coating over dark chocolate icecream and go straight for the milk chocolate coating over raspberry swirl icecream. We each got one and it was absolutely superlative bliss on a stick. They were Godiva. Need I say more?

In the middle of eating this fabulous creation, my phone rang and it was a woman calling about a job application I had mailed a couple of weeks ago. Since I hadn't heard back from anyone, I had pretty much given up on it...But tomorrow morning I have an interview for a library job at 10:00 a.m. That just put me ON TOP OF THE WORLD. Okay- so I haven't even had the interview yet. Okay- so I have no idea if I will get this job. Okay, so the pay isn't super-wonderful and it'll probably take me half an hour to get there. I don't care! I have an interview! Just the possibility of a job is enough to launch me out of my mental rut and make me feel a little more alive.

And...more good news. When I got home from the trip the other day, I found something waiting for me in the mail: my passport. I have never been to a country where I needed one...until now. Last week, I procured a roundtrip ticket for myself to England for a visit with my sister's family. I'm leaving in three weeks! I have wanted to go to England ever since I can remember...and everyone else in my family has been, at least once. Actually, I think they've all been twice. But something always conspired to keep me here.

I am really excited and happy! I just wish Brad could come but I realize that it was miracle enough that we went up to NH last week.

I can't believe this is actually happening. Hurray!


ljm said...

Yeay for the good days! Wish I could accompany you on your travels.

Anonymous said...

YEAH for you! I can imagine happy dance swirling all through Sam's club. But getting your passport in the mail--that's splenderific. An awe-inducing, forget to breathe, fall into a leaf pile in the yard, moment. All clean and pretty with no stamps on any pages, the binding all stiff. Hmmm...it makes my eyes bright with wonder to think the places you will go in the next ten years to fill it up.

Now I'm in a good mood. thank you Claire. (and I left a comment at the previous post, by the way). Keep us posted on the job interview.

CKS said...

Claire!!! ENGLAND!!! That is reason to rejoice! I know that feeling of lifelong aspiration to visit. It's weird--for as long as I can remember I knew I HAD to go to Britain. Hurrah your turn is finally here.

Mrs. RF said...

Wow! I rejoice with you! And, will be praying for the job interview.

KJ said...

Hurray! I'm so happy YOU'RE so happy!:) And I'm so glad you get to go to England! Have a marvelous time! I hope my turn will happen soon. :)

Booker said...

Have fun![and have extra fun for those of us who aren't travellers :-)]

Loreo said...

England--marvelous!! Passport--lucky you!!