Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A good All Hallow's Eve to you...

Today was a good day. And I'll tell you why.

I woke up in a good mood - which is rare for me. ( I think it had something to do with actually getting to bed EARLY last night. I am NEVER in bed before 10:30 and last night I maaaaade it! ) Brad had the day off and succumbed to my pleas to join me, Penny, and Nate on our sojourn to the very-out-of-town chiropractor. I think he was mainly in it for the fun of riding along and going to Panera afterwards...but he ended up getting his back and neck crunched/adjusted and felt quite good afterwards! I was SO GLAD. He has had chronic neck pain for a long time and sort of learned to live with it...Hopefully this will help to make a difference.

And then, on to Panera. Oh, SO good. So delectable. So scrumptiously munchable. Why do people eat anywhere else? Why do they bother building Burger Kings when there is such food to be had at Panera?

We had so much fun with Nate and Penny... discussing strange things, like did Adam have canine teeth or a belly button...

....and it was a beautiful day.

One dark event of the day: My hands have been swelling and quite painfully stiff and sore in the mornings. I imagine it must be what arthritis feels like. I found that I could not take off my wedding and engagement rings this morning. I tried a couple different no avail, and with much great pain. I'm hoping that the swelling has gone down over the day and I'm going to go soak it in icewater and then put olive oil or vix vaporub or something on my finger in hopes of doing the trick...I do NOT want to have to cut these rings off my hands. It will be extremely odd not to wear them...

And Halloween was swell. Grandpa and I sat out on the front step and scattered candy to the great unwashed. It's been a warm evening and it was fun to be a part of the neighborhood festivities. ( Grandpa was afraid it would rain and ruin the kids' fun...No, Grandpa, we're in a severe drought. No rain in sight...) I'm always afraid we won't have enough candy so I hide it from Brad and we are stingy handing it out at first... and then we blossom into a spirit of largesse as the evening wears on.... and I feel bad about the kids who got scrimped on earlier. Oh well. Such are the economics of Halloween - the early bird does NOT always get the most candy. My pumpkin candles and the Jack O' Lantern are still out there burning away...and we still have candy... so come on by!


ljm said...

Uggh..the swelling. I still can't wear my rings but that's mostly just weight gain. The swelling is no fun though--try soap for removing the rings.

Nate Hazen said...

I had the same problem Claire. Swelling hands, feet and fingers. Very painful fingers. Try blowing your nose in the middle of the night and you can hardly manoover your fingers to do it because they are so stiff. Yes, I do remember it well. But, it will go away ( mine did after she was born)and a new baby is soooooo WORTH IT! :-)

Nate Hazen said...

oops, I (Amy) left the above message. NOT NATE!! hehe

Amy said...

I'm always super stingy with the candy early on never know how much you're going to need! I do the same thing towards the end too...Take more! Another one? Sure! There was a *really* adorable kid dressed up as a Honda. He had a cardboard box a parent had decorated to look like a Honda. It was really well done. They made the front "grill" into a flap, stuck a bowl behind it, and I was supposed to put the candy in there. The kid coudn't reach the "windshield," so the "engine" was definitely too far away. When I saw this little guy coming I just started grabbing handfuls of the good candy. (I always have 2 kinds: Hersheys for the adorable, well behaved children and some other less desirable stuff for the kids who are way too old to be trick-or-treating, or the ones that keep looking at me after I put a piece of candy in their bucket. Of course, silly, you're ENTITLED to more candy, so sorry for placing a reasonable limit on how much of MY candy I GENEROUSLY give you. Little ingrates). Where was I? Oh yes, the adorable little Honda. The parents totally deserved a KitKat for their trouble. :)

JJ said...

Windex is the secret weapon for removing rings from phat little pregnant phalanges.

How many weeks to go?