Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I have come down with a bug- which means that Brad also has succumbed to it. Mine began Tuesday morning when I awoke feeling like I had been hit by a truck. I had a cough and general achiness, which degenerated into a fever last night. And as I woke up this morning, I heard Brad panting in that unmistakable way which means he is sick. He had a fever of 101 and said, " Oh, well, I don't have to go into work until 2:00 anyway..." I was like, " Oh my WORD. NO." I put my proverbial foot down. I think he soon realized the wisdom of my decree. He's been pretty miserable all day, poor thing, what with chills and sweats.

So we have both been lurching feebly around the house all day like two failing octegenarians. It's strange how when you have a fever and you try to walk around, you feel like a character in one of those movies that is so old and materially decrepit that the people sort of trail little lines of color after them when they move.

Aside from pain and general discomfort, being sick has been almost kind of fun. You get to sleep a lot and read a lot - both activities of which I am fond. But I'm sure the almost-fun will wear off pretty fast if this continues much longer.

I'm pretty much on the upswing but still taking it easy for now. Brad? The jury is still out...He might have to take another sick day tomorrow...


Aaron said...

I'm sorry you two aren't/weren't well, but I have to say I enjoyed your post. You have such a talent with words, Claire! I especially liked the first sentence of your second paragraph. Hope you and Brad start feeling like succeeding duogenarians (?) again soon!

Shay Dawg said...

Yeah hope you are feeling better. And I have to agree with the "fun being sick" part. Sometimes it is just a big vacation. I know the bible school girls can testify to that because one winter when all of us (except Rachel) got a virus and I caught the tail end of it, so I was sick enough to pass it on to someone else, but not so sick that I was miserable. So it was just a big party up stairs in my room till it soon passed.

Booker said...

Well, I hope you 2 are better by now :)

Claire said...

Yes, Thankyou...except for me coughing like a barking seal every once in a while.