Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Pickled Pig's Feet

I am curious to know what a pickled pig's foot tastes like. I would like to just have a tiny bite. I'm sure it's gross but I just want to KNOW. I think. Well...really...I'm not sure I would actually be brave enough if a pickled pig's foot was staring me in the face.

Why don't they have little old ladies at Sam's Club giving out samples of pickled pig's feet?


Anonymous said...

When I was in high school, some of us (after a little too much pizza and root beer) decided to pickle some kiwi. 18 mos later, on the night of our graduation, ... we tasted it.

It was one of the most foul-tasting substances I have ever tasted.

ljm said...

Mmmmm....pickled piggies.

Loreo said...

This VERY evening at dinner, one of the kids turned up their noses at something perfectly edible, and I said, "What!? It's not like it's pickled pigs feet or something!" Better to go hungry, I think, than to try something like that that I can't believe is still being produced and stocked in stores.

Booker said...

and here i was just drinking some nice chocolate milk...

TripleNine said...

Claire, when I come down buy some and I'll be more than happy to try them as well. :) How bad can they be after all?

lis said...

You can only enjoy 'em if your grandpappy did.

Claire said...

Wait- 999- ARE you coming down?? You said, "WHEN I come down..." not "IF I come down someday..." which leads me to believe that mayhap you are thinking of a southern sojourn???!!!