Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weeping and gnashing of... gums

You know that old saying, " A watched pot never boils"? Well, I have a new twist on that proverb: " A listened-to baby never stops crying." I'm sure all you experienced moms out there probably know exactly what I'm talking about. Lately, I have been steeling myself to let Aiden cry himself to sleep at night. If I know he's full, dry, and burped, I don't worry too much when he wails; I keep reassuring myself that he's just exercising his lungs. In some ways, it's not too hard to let him cry because I'm pretty exhausted when bedtime comes and so I just lie there and let him screech away like an outraged cat in the next room. And he'll taper off and I'll think, " Oh, good. He's done crying."


Thinking that is just an INVITATION for more crying. Then he winds up again, like there's no tomorrow. But if I zone out and think about something else, or get on the computer, or whatever, next thing I know, he's conked out. So... Ironic New Mother Piece of Advice Number One: Ignore your child.

Last night, as I lay abed listening to him, I remembered my parents talking about how I cried all the time as a baby- apparently, it's all I did for months. I'm sure Aiden is not NEARLY as bad as I was, but in some small measure, as I endure his nightly roarings, I am getting a taste of my own medicine, almost thirty years later. But I can't really complain because he is now USUALLY sleeping a good five or so hours at a stretch every night. Knock on wood.


Anonymous said...

The next time I'm stuck someplace with a crying baby...waiting room, restaurant, airplane...I'm going to think of you and feel even more respect for you. Whenever Russell and I talk about having a baby, it never fails that we're sat next to one at a restaurant very soon thereafter. And the baby always does what babies do: drool, cry, scream, and look adorable between fits of crying. Those moments never fail to reaffirm our belief that we are not quite ready to be parents. I love to sleep in far too much and he loves to get home from work and not have anything else to worry about. Someday...

I'm sure Aiden's extreme cuteness works in his favor during his most vocal moments. :)

ljm said...

Gnashing of gums....ha,ha.

kw said...

I think he's feeling trapped by all the listening device possibilities..poor thing..can't blame him for crying.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I'm bad about black t-shirts too. They're the perfect clothing item.