Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Guess WHAT?!

I got a job! It seems so incredibly miraculous that I almost don't believe it myself! I am still waiting for some disaster to crop up and the whole she-bang to fall through. I am truly my father's daughter. But, slowly, little by little, I am starting to realize that this is actually happening.

I won't get too detailed - for privacy's sake- but I'll fill you in on the basics.

I found a listing on a certain online job site for someone to help out a teen with special needs. I called the number and got in touch with the mom; we set up an interview. Long story short, the interview went very well and we all liked each other and unless something majorly unforseen happens, I may start working in the next couple weeks. I have to take CPR and First Aid classes between now and then, but I'm not too concerned about that.

I will be helping a 13 year old boy who has cerebral palsy and cortical visual impairment- which means he has limited vision - but I think it's a matter of things being close enough and big enough...Apparently, some days are better than others, sight-wise. He is non-verbal and communicates through a special computer, which is difficult to explain seeing as how I'm still learning about it myself. I would be helping him after school- and through the summer months- working on literacy skills and communication skills. Basically, right now, he relies on the pre-programmed words and phrases in his communication device and his parents really want him to learn how to form his own sentences with the computer. A big part of it will be learning how to motivate him to do this. Anyway- I know it will have its challenges, and there will be a lot of learning and research to do, but I think that it could work out to be a really good situation for all involved and I'm pretty excited about it. A little nervous- but I think I'd be foolish and arrogant if I was totally calm about it...

I think I'm going to use a literature based approach ( the FUN part! ) and I'm going to meet with his teachers soon to consult with them, assess his reading level and read his IEP etc.

It just seems almost too good to be true in so many ways. It's part time- between 20-25 hours a week, it's a ten minute drive from my house, the pay is very good, and it's a Grandpa-oriented schedule, meaning that I will be home in time to make dinner appear on the table at a reasonable hour.'s something that I'm interested in and something in which I feel that my skills and background would be put to good use.

I'm just amazed at how God has dropped this in my lap. I almost don't want to write about it for fear that telling people about it will somehow sabotage it but I couldn't hold back any longer! Plus, with Brad's little northerly trip, I know he will be seeing some of you in the near future, and I wanted to spill the beans before he got a chance to...Heh heh.

Speaking of which, I'm rigging the house up with all kinds of alarms and booby-traps for the next few days, so if you're planning a surprise middle of the night visit, be forewarned. The Swiss Family Robinson has nothing on me...except, now that I think of it- they had a huge pile of coconut bombs...whereas my stash is quite modest in comparison. But everything else is spot-on...better in fact. Yep- big pile of logs waiting to be unleashed...

...And I KNOW I digress, but I just have to say that I have a very fond memory of watching that movie ( Swiss Family R.) with the Demmes as a child and making them rewind the part where the logs roll down the hill to squash the oncoming evil pirates. The exact spot I wanted to see was when one of the logs hit this bald man RIGHT on the noggin and made the most gratifying hollow BOINK sound... I just LOVED that part and could have watched it ten times in a row...and I probably did. It made me laugh uproariously every time. In fact, I recently watched that movie with Grandpa and found myself making him rewind that same part. Not as hilarious as when I was a child- but still chuckle inducing enough to see that segment at least a second time.


Booker said...

actually, if you are a TRUE SFR fan[which I am not], you will notice that SAME pirate gets it several times, hahahaha :-)

Amy said...

Congratulations!!!! Yay!!!!

Claire said...

DJ- YEAH! The guy who is mostly bald with a long pony tail? That pirate is amazingly resilient!

lis said...



Linds said...

Hurray for you, my friend!!

KJ said...

Praise the Lord and blessings on you!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy your job Claire. Diane told me a little about it. Special needs kids are so great! Carolyn Randall