Friday, December 21, 2007


...still on the inside. Brad and I were discussing the fact that we are both very early people. If we know we have to be somewhere at a certain time, we get there ten minutes early, if humanly possible. Sometimes earlier. We HATE being late. Hate, hate, hate. So I suppose it's natural to hope that our son will inherit this trait. But so far, he is not showing any sign of it. He only has a few more hours to be early. Tomorrow he will be on time - still acceptable. After that, he'll be late. And that's just rude. Oh dear. Let the fretting commence afresh.

We did get our "new" car though! That's the latest exciting news... Nate arrived home yesterday evening, driving our new vehicle - a red 2000 (?) Volkswagen Passat station wagon. We both love it. It's scrumptious and cute. Yes- indeed! Who knew a station wagon could be scrumptious and cute? I dare you to think otherwise when you see it. It cries out to be eaten - like a big, red lollipop. Perhaps pictures will follow at some point in the near future and corroborate my opinion.

The last time I drove a station wagon, I was in highschool, and it was the old family blue Chevy station wagon that I learned how to drive in. Now I shall be driving a family car as a parent, not a child. I'm super-weirded out by that thought.

Now we are REALLY READY for this baby to come.


KJ said...

Yes, your new car is cute - although when I saw it, it was dirty and salty and slushy and snowy - but I guess if it can still be cute even like that, then it truly is a cute and scrumptious car! :) So happy for you and looking forward to rejoicing with you when your arrival comes!

Anonymous said...

Oh me oh my, it's been way too long since I've read your blog! Just had to get caught up on the juicy tidbits about baby's arrival or rather reluctance to appear! Clyde is hoping for the 24th! But that would be late!! Oh no, what will you ever do!?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps your son may be a throwback to a past generation. Perhaps you or Brad had an uncle or an aunt who drove you crazy!


Philip thinks your baby will make his arrival on Christmas Eve.

kw said...

Ah yes, the circle of life..or the circle of station wagons..

Shari said...

Yay for a new car!

Okay lil' babe. Come on out. Now.

kw said...

Grandpa Murray would be proud of you. PUNCKKKTCHUUALITEE:)

CKS said...

Okay, just to make you feel better. My oldest sister, my mother's firstborn, was born FIVE WEEKS after the due date given to her by the medical people. FIVE WEEKS!!!!! Mom thinks they may have had the wrong due date at first and amended it so she was a mere THREE WEEKS late. But still...

So settle in. By then (January 26) you may be willing to try castor oil AND snow. I really don't have much pity for you since you scorned the snowstorm idea. :-)