Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Okay- so what about when two beavers cross your path? What kind of luck does that bring? Yes, it really happened. Actually, they didn't completely cross my path. One of them- I think it was the female- seemed uncertain about the journey and meandered around, eventually turned, herding the male, and went back whence they came. Hmmm.

I think the news has gotten out in the animal kingdom and beasts are fighting amongst themselves to hurl themselves in the path of my car so they can get famous on my blog. The other day I saw an animal crossing the road far ahead of me. I strained forward...Is it a fox? Is it a muskrat? What new animal can I report about on my blog? was a cat. And not a wild cat, either. Oh well.


Loreo said...

You're lucky to see such critters! Out here in the 'burbs, if something runs in front of our car, it's a cat, a dog, or a squirrel. We do see lots of opossum carcasses. How nice for us. Don't get me started!

Booker said...

Man, those pushy females. Was probably on the way home from shopping all day and the guy wanted to take the shortest way home to get a 'cold one' and just kick back. Poor male beaver...

Silas said...

I second Ryusma's theory.

KW said...

You are right sojourning...

I'm craving some of that wholesome goodness myself...
keep checking to see if there's anything new.