Sunday, July 31, 2005

Part Deux - Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jog

I believe I left off on Saturday...? We drove up through the Lake Champlain Islands. Another beautiful day and lots of scenic vistas. We drove across the bridge into New York and on our way across, Brad calmly pointed out that there was a boat on fire in the midst of a marina off to our left. And so there was. Very massively on fire. It produced a big pillar of black smoke which could be seen for miles. I took pictures. But unfort. as we drove away, Brad asked if I had zoomed in. A sinking realization dawned upon me. I started yelling incoherently. Well, not really incoherently, but...I yelled. Needless to say, I was not zoomed in so they didn't turn out that great. I felt like a First Class Fool. Oh well. This is why Brad usually takes all the pictures. He doesn't forget to zoom in. So we drove back to Burlington and walked around the city exploring some more. We consumed a very late, tasty lunch at Quizno's and then went back to relaxing at the hotel.

This morning, moments before we were going to check out and begin our leisurely drive home, I heard a faint, strange, sireny sort of sound out in the hallway. I stood close to the door, listened attentively and heard a voice on some sort of PA system telling the hotel populace that an emergency had been reported and that we should walk to the nearest exit. I was glad that it wasn't the middle of the night because I am SURE that we would have slept through it...Anyway- we obeyed and hopped over to the Gift Shop next door to the hotel and a few minutes later, it seemed safe to go back. Firefighters were emerging from the hotel and getting back into the truck none the worse for wear. My guess is that there was a hair straightener involved somehow.

So, we're back safe and sound in good old Sullivan.

There is a small, green tomato on my plant! I am still waiting for the promised "bushels of fun."


Amy said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your words of encouragement. My husband and I have been really trying to work through some problems. Your prayers are much appreciated!

Booker said...

"bushels of fun" from a tomato plant? I shall be having a faith battle for you, cause that seems on the level of moving mountains...

brilynne said...

I like that you divided your vacation report into two parts, uno and deux. Way to be multilingual!!