Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Brad says, "Quit your blogging and let's read the Bible."

Brad just asked me to find his Bible for him. I wanted to know which one - as he has several. Indicating the one on the coffee-table/chest, I said, " This old thing?" ( It looks like it's been through several world wars...and yet, I still can't believe I phrased it that way.) He said, " This old thing? I only wear it when I don't care what I look like!" ( quoted from It's a Wonderful Life.) This might only be funny if you know the quote, and it might not even be funny at all, but I thought it was funny and this is my- um, our- blog, so there. I did write another blog today but have decided to post-pone its publication for several more weeks or months. No- I'm not pregnant. Brad thinks I should remove the thing about not being pregnant because he says I am qualifying practically every other blog by saying that I'm not pregnant( I don't even remember saying that ONCE)...but I thought it sounded suspicious so I had to clear it up for you.


Booker said...

of course, now all of us are incredibly curious. I mean, how could you say you had something to post, then tell we have to wait weeks or months. Sigh, you are so cruel...

Anonymous said...

Yes, Claire, that was a perfectly reasonable qualifier, given the workings of the feminine mind. Not mine so much, because I am very unsuspicious, but still true in general.
(And can you believe I'm proclaiming my gullibility online? Who knows what practical jokes I am inviting??)

Anonymous said...

Woa, Snowy!!
