Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Where's the fire?

It's been one of those days...where you feel sort of bludgeoned to a jelly by life. Well, that's a little harsh...but bludgeoned to a quasi-soft material doesn't have the same ring to it.

Last night, one of the original 'April Fools' attempted to run again...she tied her bedsheets together, tied them to a bedpost and escaped OUT THE WINDOW...Unbelievable! But she was back before too long. (Bizarre how it's just like out of Anne of Avonlea when she and whats-her-name were trying to rescue whats-her-face's brothers bicycle out of Mr. McTavish's tool shed...) ( What are the chances of me remembering MR. MCTAVISH'S NAME when I couldn't remember the girls?) So...this silly girl is now sitting in the office- under constant 1:1 supervision- and will be doing so until next week when she leaves.

Blah blah blah...It's time to GO OUTSIDE and WALK IN THE SUNSHINE!


Anonymous said...

wow~what interesting escapades!

Anonymous said...

Hello,I am Lilly. I'm the one and only one and i wanna know. Did you like the continuing story of anne of avonlea, the third movie. I wanted to rip that horrid movie into shreds after i'd seen it. but i got it from the libray.I hated it.But I like the frist two movie's. I have all the books.(ASK MISS PENNY IF YOU STILL DONT KNOW WHO I AM,TELL HER MICBETH.)

Claire said...

Lilly! Glad to meet you! ( Isn't Penny marvelous?) Anyway- I have to agree with you 100% on that Continuing Story Travesty/ Garbage/ Outrage/ Scandal. Brad and I watched it a couple years ago and it was like watching a train wreck. It was so awful we couldn't take our eyes off it. These had been sacred characters to us...The Anne movies were among my top favorites as I grew up and not seeing the Continuing Story would have been like refusing to meet an old friend...so we felt we had to see it no matter what...even though we had some vague feelings of uneasiness and doubt about its quality...But, to continue with the friend analogy, it was loathsome and horrifying to see how the friend had changed over the years...Yes- totally wretched and worthy to be shredded.

Claire said...
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