Friday, June 03, 2005

In which I rail against inferior comestibles

You know it's been a busy day when you arrive home in the late afternoon and find yourself still carrying your half eaten breakfast. No- not a bowl of mushy cereal... but a one third eaten banana. Said fruit followed me around through the day, growing more and more unappetizing as the hot hours passed. I don't know why I still have it. It's quite disgusting by now I suppose. Perhaps it will find its way into a smoothie of some sort soon. I hate wasting bananas. Evidence of this can be seen in our freezer which is half full of bananas that were too browned to eat, but still good for banana bread...someday.

While we're on the topic of food, I recently discovered that I have superior tastebuds. One of the perks of my current job is the free food. ( A little TOO much free food I think sometimes...but let's count the old blessings, shall we?) Often, I bring a banana with me in the morning and combine it with a bowl of cereal once I get to work. Usually I have Cheerios. One morning this week I poured myself a bowl and received a small shock as the first spoonful passed my lips. I said to the other staff and residents present, " Are these Cheerios stale...or are they healthy?" Funny how the two options seem to go hand in hand. One of the residents said in a sympathetically condemning tone, " They're OATIE-O's." Aaaaah.

I recently saw something on the news about how there was this taste-test done with various brands of food and beverages and how people who thought they had discriminating tastes actually preferred the generic or store brands to the big-name, higher priced brands when they were all unlabeled and mixed up together. Hmmm. I guess they didn't test Cheerios and Oatie-o's against each other...because I don't really think I have superior tastebuds. I think the difference would smite even the greatest dullard's palate. Inferior comestibles, indeed.


Booker said...

Preach it sister! Oatie-o's. The bane of tongues and tastebuds everywhere. Fellow sufferers, RISE up and throw off the shackles of repression that have kept you down for so long! Come to a land filled with Cocoa-Puffs and flowing with chocolate milk.

Sorry about that. It's almost 11:30pm and I just cant sleep. So I comment :)

Anonymous said...


You and you alone can make
reading about eating the humble cheerio
or oateo as the case may be-- amusing. Speaking
of the said cereal...Cheerios (the real thing)
taste different here....Nestle makes them and
they have more added sugar. What DO you know!

TripleNine said...

Glad to know that I'm average. More often than not I'll choose the 'inferior' brand as well. Though I'll admit the thought of a store brand cheerio makes me shudder, I can't even stand the regular ones.

Booker said...

Yeah! If Nick and Jessica can have their own show, ANYBODY! can. I think you should look into this Pass's-could be your ticket to the highlife...

Brad said...

Thanks for the nice comment, sojourning. I was at the computer this morning when Claire woke up and oozed into the room half awake. I read your comment to her and it made her happy. It got the day started off on a positive note. Thanks!