Thursday, March 23, 2006

Two Things that Have Nothing to Do With Each Other

To most of you, it won't be news that I really like listening to NPR...even though I don't always agree with the political slant and worldview of some of the programs...They actually do have some good stuff. And compared to the shrill, crass commercialization of the AM stations- which I also listen to sometimes- there is an air of calmness, order, and peacefulness on NPR. AM people are wild-eyed, frantic, frothy, screaming maniacs. NPR people use measured, smooth, dulcet tones. ( I must credit Brad for providing me with that last adjective. Dulcet- another million dollar word.)

Well, you know how NPR stations have these fund raising drives several times a year? They try to convince you that you should fork over some money because they make programs you listen to. I have listened to pledge drives for about fifteen years and never called in or given a cent.( Yes, I listen to pledge drives. That shows how die-hard I am, I guess.) Am I an ungrateful little leach? The way I see it, if I should give money to support the programs I appreciate...what about the programs that I don't appreciate? Can I TAKE money from them for those programs that contain biased/uber-liberal/fuzzy thinking? Or jazz? I don't appreciate jazz. Can I take $120 a year for the jazz programs I don't listen to? I figure it all kind of cancels out in the end...

Last night after dinner, as Grandpa and I relaxed in the living room at Nate and Pen's, I started playing the guitar and singing. As I finished one song, Grandpa spoke up and said one of the nicest things that anyone has ever said to me. I can't remember the exact wording but it went something like this: " If there are ever any people in the world who want to start a war, you should sing for them and they'll forget all about going to war." Wow. So I guess I better start packing my suitcases for my war-stopping tour of the world.


ljm said...

Yep, those have nothing to do with each other...but maybe you could sing some jazz tunes on your guitar for NPR?

Carrie said...

NPR ROCKS!!! Your blog makes me laugh my head off. It is rolling around on the ground right now!

TripleNine said...

You know ljmax has a good point there. You are definitely a lot better than some of the wacko's that they play. Your brother was a genius at finding all the NPR nuts.

redsoxwinthisyear said...

NPR's soothing, calming qualities distinctly remind me of a certain serpent, who was also known to say things that sounded "good," even while leading a certain woman astray! Personally, I think it's a plot to make palatable their insidious and undoubtedly evil (yet subtle) agenda. But feel free to be poisoned if you wish... Heh, heh, how's that for laying down a guilt trip?

melrandall said...

smooth n smarmy...

I'm fond of NPR weekends (especially the random Valley Folk lady who seems to talk to herself more than to her 12am audience), but when politics become involved I tend to want to smash things.

p.s. I'd have to agree with Grandpa P. on the dulceticity of your singing...

Shay Dawg said...

wow..that was a nice compliment! are you a words of aff person?

Avalanche Cowpoke said...

G'Pa is right aboot yer singin' and guitar pickin'!!! 8~)
Hmmm... ...I'm wunderin' if ol' Nebuchadnezzar's Dulcimers sounded dulcet...

CARmelo said...

I give throw my hat in with the others...I especially like your version of "You need to be still". When I was singing...or should I say trying to sing it to my group...I prefaced it with "you should here this song sung by my friend
Claire"....cuz I don't do it again I say amen to the previous stroking of your ego